
Senior Banking Executive

Qualified Accountant and Certified Banker with over 35 years of experience in the financial services. Multi lingual French & Dutch mother tongue, perfect English, fluent German and basic Polish. Global Risk and Banking Operations Advisor with long term C level experience in the financial sector. Interested in sharing his experience for the benefit of the financial sector or treasury and general management functions in larger corporations. A people manager with multi-cultural attitude, mentor and capacity building and an approach of transferring his knowledge and experience to the successors. Brings transparency, perfection, permanent education, maximize use of technology, customer focused, being the best in whatever the company does, fair treatment of each and every employee with equal opportunities and high ethics and corporate values. The more challenging the tasks are the better results are obtained. As Senior Executive would ensure that his employer is a center of excellen

   Планиране, контрол & анализ
   Управление на риска
   Финанси, ALM и деловодство
   Финанси на управлението на проекти
   Управление на финанси & Изпълнителен съвет
   Управление & Изпълнителен съвет (МарКом/Продажби)
   Управление & Изпълнителен съвет на Човешки ресурси
   Общо - Изпълнителен съвет & висш мениджмънт
   Управление & Изпълнителен съвет Право