Специална услуга за командировани компании и консултантски фирми

Planet Interim now offers a hybrid company account that allows staffing agencies, consultancy firms, and network organizations to find new professionals as well as assign projects to their current professionals. This account provides dynamic talent pooling, 24/7 access to interim managers, freelance specialists, and consultants, and supports employer branding. Read more in this Q&A with Niels van Berkel, founder of Planet Interim.

Why is Planet Interim now focusing on staffing agencies and consultancy firms?

Van Berkel: “We noticed that consultancy firms and staffing agencies were not only looking for new professionals but also wanted to represent their own people. With the hybrid company account, organizations can remain visible and increase the mobility of their professionals.”

How does the hybrid company account work?

Van Berkel: “With this account, organizations can publish their own projects and approach interesting professionals. New registrations and profile updates are automatically reported, ensuring up-to-date talent pools.”

What is new about the client role?

Van Berkel: “The account allows you to find new professionals and assign projects to your own professionals. Affiliated professionals receive a personal dashboard, are matched daily with current assignments, and become more visible thanks to your company logo.”

Can you manage accounts both centrally and per professional?

Van Berkel: “Yes, you can decide per professional if they manage their own account. We create automatic shortlists per assignment and notify you of a match, allowing for both centralized management and individual action per professional.”

Example shortlist per external assignment with suitable own professionals:

Shortlist assignment with own professionals

How does the consultancy firm position itself as a good employer or client?

Van Berkel: “Professionals can retain their premium account after the collaboration, helping them present themselves in the market and get automatically matched with 1,500 assignments per day. This way, you stay 'top-of-mind' with professionals.”

Example of a hybrid account dashboard for staffing agencies, consultancy firms, or network organizations, with own assignments and own professionals:

Hybrid Account Dashboard

Interested in using the hybrid company account? It’s available from 10 premium annual memberships

By purchasing at least 10 premium annual memberships, staffing agencies and consultancy firms gain access to our exclusive hybrid company account. Normally, a premium annual membership costs €180 per year, but with our introductory discount of 50%, you now pay only €90 per year. This means you can enjoy all premium benefits from just €900 per year (excluding VAT).

These memberships can be provided to professionals who are represented, and they are added by the contact person from the company dashboard. Premium memberships can be paused if a professional is on assignment or on vacation. Professionals can also be easily transferred to a colleague.

Example of a Professionals Premium Account dashboard with the name and logo of the organization with the hybrid company account:

Professionals Account Dashboard

The first 5 assignments per month are free

Post your interim assignments and projects on our platform for quick exposure to a highly educated audience. We automatically match your assignments with our members and share them on our social media channels with 35K+ followers. The first 5 assignments per month are free.

For maintenance and service, we charge €7.95 per assignment from the sixth assignment per month. We also have an attractive deal for recruiters! Watch the video for more information about our automatic assignment reposting and candidate delivery:


Receive unlimited candidates for your assignments for six months for €995

Our all-in job service for recruiters costs €995 for six months. The benefits include:

  • Automatic linking for online collection, parsing, and coding of assignments.
  • Correct reposting of all assignments by Planet Interim.
  • AI-based matching with members and visitors.
  • Retain your own application links and automatic candidate delivery.
  • Focus on selecting the best professionals.
  • No third-party linking required.
  • Periodic reporting of candidates per assignment.

Combine Hybrid Company Account with unlimited assignment posting

Combine the hybrid account with unlimited assignment reposting for €2700 per year (€900 for the hybrid account + €1800 for unlimited reposting with a 10% discount).

Deal per year


Recruiters Deal €1800,-
Hybrid company account €900,-
Total per year

Want to use the highest-rated sourcing and matching platform for a fixed fee? Create a free company account in five minutes and send us a message to activate these special deals. Need more information or help setting up your account? Feel free to contact us.