
Marketing research and sales for spatial developments in regions, cities and urban areas. Mix of B2B and B2C focus in large scale urban proj

Over 25 years experience in marketing research and sales for spatial developments in regions, cities and urban areas. Balanced mix of B2B and B2C focus in large scale urban projects that include residential and commercial developments, often also including major infrastructural developments for mobility, energy and IT. Leadership roles and change manager in transformation processes of top down marketing and sales towards bottom up customer focussed marketing, sales operations and brand empowerment. Strong communication skills and people manager, ranging from shop floor level to board room.

   Комуникации и PR
   Реклами & копирайтинг
   Криейтив дизайн & графичен дизайн
   управление на клиентския опит
   Проучване на пазара и пряк маркетинг
   Маркетинг по социални & онлайн медии
   проект мениджмънт "МарКом" / Продажби
   Управление & Изпълнителен съвет (МарКом/Продажби)
   Маркетинг консултиране (външно)
   Общо - Изпълнителен съвет & висш мениджмънт
   Общо - управление на програми & проекти